Your smartphone will become your wallet!

OK we've seen it.

Everyday that goes by we give more and more parts of our everyday life into the digital world.

Ok maybe in Greece is considered "meta" to even pay in a store with a debit card. But we generally i see a tremendous marketing opportunity here.

In particular the amazing simplification of the digital spectrum leads to a very easy profile of every possible consumer and the brands are about to drop upon them.

So who is gonna implement it?


google wallet

Yeah most likely. Else is losing a big part of the race.

But what are we talking about exactly?

About an app that will allow you do anything through your smartphone.

Lets have as an example the super market. You scan the products you want with your cellphone in order to put them in your digital basket. Meanwhile you get relative offers for the brand or relative products.

You are being informed while you buy.

So you are just buying and you remember you need to pay for your phone bill. In the same app. With one button.

Just like that and you continue shopping. Remember the promotion girl with the coupons to buy a sausage?

Well now there is just a barcode and you instantly get your discount in your digital basket.

So you are done with your purchases and you pay from your app wallet while instantly you get the receipt via email which also instantly goes in your taxes.

It doesnt matter whos is going to be the one to unify all these activities into one smartphone app. He is probably already a billionaire so no big change there.

The thing is that marketing wise we are going to be able to have live access in to the consumers life and his choices. Live.

No more trends. Now we simply know.

What he buys, where, how, when and possibly why.

We will be able to "infiltrate" the consumer, providing targeted advertising and offers with Essence!

So what are we going to become? Consultants and not salesmen!

Which I really think it's unique For one time in marketing we are not merely intruders to the consumer. We are going to be possibly able to provide something he really cares about. Something with essence.

And what advertising people gain?

We give measurable ROI to our clients, without necessarily make the consumer angry.

We can finally provide actual Personalized advertising.

We will evolve into a bottom up advertisers.

OK you might have a client that pays no matter what.

Now you can look the consumer straight to they eye! For real! 

I can finally give value to the consumer needs.The way he sees things! 

fry not sure if meme

All these of course will increase budgets and new jobs will be created out of it. 
Which means that advertising agencies might not be dead after all.

Will the consumer realize it though or will he feel like he is on big brother? 

big brother 1984

I believe it just has to do with the way it will be introduced and implemented.

I really don't see the consumer mind so much every time he posts what he is eating and generally the way he lives his life on social media. 

typical instagram photos

For me it is just the implementation method.

Personally I'd love to be able to do everything just by using my phone. I am a dork. I mean I love anything technological in any possible way. I'm never afraid of it. Even it is scary i love it. 

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